svn: /pear/pearweb/trunk/public_html/pepr/ pepr-votes-show.php
Daniel O'Connor
2011-04-13 10:21:24 UTC
clockwerx Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:21:24 +0000

Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=310201

Missed from previous commit

Changed paths:
U pear/pearweb/trunk/public_html/pepr/pepr-votes-show.php

Modified: pear/pearweb/trunk/public_html/pepr/pepr-votes-show.php
--- pear/pearweb/trunk/public_html/pepr/pepr-votes-show.php 2011-04-13 10:19:29 UTC (rev 310200)
+++ pear/pearweb/trunk/public_html/pepr/pepr-votes-show.php 2011-04-13 10:21:24 UTC (rev 310201)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
* Obtain the common functions and classes.
require_once 'pepr/pepr.php';
-require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
+require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2.php';

if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !($proposal = proposal::get($dbh, $_GET['id']))) {
response_header('PEPr :: Votes :: Invalid Request');
@@ -39,49 +39,42 @@
echo '<h1>Proposal Votes for "' . htmlspecialchars($proposal->pkg_name) . "\"</h1>\n";

if ($auth_user && $proposal->mayVote($dbh, $auth_user->handle)) {
- $form = new HTML_QuickForm('vote', 'post',
- 'pepr-votes-show.php?id=' . $proposal->id);
+ $form = new HTML_QuickForm2('vote', 'post',
+ array('action' => 'pepr-votes-show.php?id=' . $proposal->id));

- $form->setDefaults(array('value' => 1));
- $form->addElement('select', 'value', '',
- array(1 => '+1',
+ $form->addDataSource(new HTML_QuickForm2_DataSource_Array(array('value' => 1)));
+ $vote = $form->addElement('select', 'value', array('id' => 'vote_field', 'required' => 'required'));
+ $vote->loadOptions(array(1 => '+1',
0 => '0',
- -1 => '-1'),
- 'id="vote_field"');
- $form->addElement('checkbox', 'conditional', '', '', null, 1);
- $form->addElement('textarea', 'comment', null,
+ -1 => '-1'));
+ $vote->setLabel("Vote:");
+ $is_conditional = $form->addElement('checkbox', 'conditional')->setLabel("Conditional Vote?:");
+ $comment = $form->addElement('textarea', 'comment',
array('cols' => 70,
- 'rows' => 20));
- $form->addElement('select', 'reviews', '', $proposalReviewsMap,
- array('size' => count($proposalReviewsMap),
- 'multiple' => 'multiple'));
- $form->addElement('static', '', '',
- '<small>Note that you can only vote once!<br />'
- . 'For conditional votes, please leave a comment and'
- . ' vote +1 (<i>e.g.</i>, &quot;I\'m +1 if you'
- . ' change...&quot;).</small>');
- $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Vote');
+ 'rows' => 20, 'placeholder' => 'I am +1* if you change...'))->setLabel("Comment:");

- $form->applyFilter('comment', 'trim');
- $form->addRule('value', 'Vote is a required field.', 'required',
- null, 'client');
- $form->addRule('value', 'Vote must be +1, 0 or -1.', 'regex',
- '/-1|0|1/', 'client');
- $form->addRule('reviews', 'Reviews is a required field.', 'required',
- null, 'client');
+ $review = $form->addElement('select', 'reviews',
+ array('required' => 'required'));

+ $review->loadOptions($proposalReviewsMap);
+ $review->setLabel("Review:");
+ $form->addElement('submit', 'submit')->setLabel('Vote');
+ $comment->addFilter('trim');
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if ($form->validate()) {
- $value = $form->getElement('value');
- $value = $value->getSelected();
- $voteData['value'] = (int)$value['0'];
- $is_conditional = $form->getElement('conditional');
- $voteData['is_conditional'] = ($is_conditional->getChecked()) ? 1 : 0;
- $comment = $form->getElement('comment');
+ $voteData['value'] = $vote->getValue();
+ $voteData['is_conditional'] = !empty($_POST['is_conditional']);
$voteData['comment'] = $comment->getValue();
- $reviews = $form->getElement('reviews');
- $voteData['reviews'] = $reviews->getSelected();
+ $voteData['reviews'] = array($review->getValue());
$voteData['user_handle'] = $auth_user->handle;

$errors = array();
@@ -95,10 +88,8 @@
. " Please select '+1' and change your text to a"
. " form like 'I am +1 on this if you change...'.";
- foreach ($voteData['reviews'] as $value) {
- if (!array_key_exists($value, $proposalReviewsMap)) {
- $errors[] = 'Reviews contains invalid data';
- }
+ if (!array_key_exists($voteData['reviews'][0], $proposalReviewsMap)) {
+ $errors[] = 'Reviews contains invalid data';

if ($errors) {
@@ -108,12 +99,7 @@
$proposal->sendActionEmail('proposal_vote', 'user',
report_success('Your vote has been registered successfully');
- $form->removeElement('submit');
- $form->freeze();
- } else {
- $pepr_form = $form->toArray();
- report_error($pepr_form['errors']);
} else {
@@ -156,57 +142,9 @@
echo format_date($pepr_end);
echo "</p>\n";

- $formArray = $form->toArray();
+ print $form;

- echo $form->getValidationScript();

- echo '<form ' . $formArray['attributes'] . ">\n";
- echo '<table class="form-holder" cellspacing="1">' . "\n";
- echo ' <caption class="form-caption">Vote on This';
- echo ' Proposal</caption>' . "\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo ' <th class="form-label_left">';
- echo ' <label for="vote_field" accesskey="o">V<span';
- echo ' class="accesskey">o</span>te:</label>';
- echo " </th>\n";
- echo ' <td class="form-input">';
- echo $formArray['elements'][0]['html'] . ' ' . $formArray['elements'][0]['label'] . "</td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo ' <th class="form-label_left">Conditional:</th>' . "\n";
- echo ' <td class="form-input">';
- echo $formArray['elements'][1]['html'] . "</td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo ' <th class="form-label_left">Comment:</th>' . "\n";
- echo ' <td class="form-input">';
- echo $formArray['elements'][2]['html'] . "</td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo ' <th class="form-label_left">Reviews:</th>' . "\n";
- echo ' <td class="form-input">';
- echo $formArray['elements'][3]['html'].$formArray['elements'][3]['label'] . "</td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo ' <th class="form-label_left"></th>' . "\n";
- echo ' <td class="form-input">';
- echo $formArray['elements'][4]['html'] . "</td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo ' <th class="form-label_left"></th>' . "\n";
- echo ' <td class="form-input">';
- echo $formArray['elements'][5]['html'] . "</td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo "</table>\n";
- echo "</form>\n";
} else {
